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Project 'Special Survey' (Chile)

For safety reasons, a seagoing vessel must undergo various inspections every ‘so many’ years (1 – 2.5 – 5 – 10 – etc.) to maintain its ‘class / certificates’. This also applied to the five-year-old GIESSENSTROOM. 

The fifth anniversary is quite ‘special’ for the Giessenstroom, because it has experienced a lot far away from home. A shipyard is required for a ‘Special Survey’, since a vessel must be ‘dry’. This immediately offers the opportunity to provide the underwater hull with a new, fresh ‘anti-fouling’ layer. For the ship and crew of the Giessenstroom, this meant that they had to leave the familiar surroundings of Mare Harbour to set course for Punta Arenas, a regional capital in the far south of Chile. This was a sea voyage of 487 nautical miles, about two to two-and-a-halve days of sailing. After approximately three weeks, the ship was ready to get back to work and the ‘Technical Service / Inspector BV’ was able to return home.

2012 giessenstroom nieuwsbericht

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